Monday, April 25, 2011

Blood donation

Blood donation campaign is one of the activities held at my workplace. Held 3 times in a year (Mac, June and October), the campaign is jointly organized by the Blood Center of Hospital Duchess Of Kent (H.D.O.K) Sandakan. Like other blood donation campaign, this campaign is also open to the public even though held at school area. And of course, whenever I am free and eligible for donation I'll never failed to supports this activities. Nah, here are some pictures I taken during Mac, 2011 blood donation campaign.

whether I came too early or they were late? The H.O.D.K staffs busy set up the equipments for the campaign.

Nah, it's started. Some of the donor's.  Actually, I was the first person to donate on that day. (^_^)

Some buah tangan given to the donor's. Not "stout-Tiger" ya. I remembered, my late father used to cerita-cerita that the donor's will get a bottle of stout during his time. Untuk melancarkan darah, he said.

I am not pretty sure in other places, but in my workplace, the donor's will get a certificate upon completing of blood donation. (kalau selalu menderma, makin bertimbun lah sijil..:))