Friday, June 21, 2013

Food story?

Memasak sesuatu yang fun but bila melibatkan satu kumpulan yang perlu diurus, memasak akan menjadi suatu yang sangat memenatkan!

Here are some photo of my Ekonomi Rumah Tangga students (2 Ikhlas) doing their Amali Memasak for the Pengurusan dan Penyajian Makanan topic.

Untuk topik ini perkara yang dinilai ialah Penyediaan, Memasak, Menghidang dan Etika Makan, dan saya tambah satu lagi penilaian iaitu membungkus makanan bekal.

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Overall I am a little bit disappointed with their attitude and the performance as well. Lack of cooperation among the group members and banyak main-main. I divided them into 6 groups a week before but only 5 groups managed to do the amali whilst 1 group just sitting and watching because they not have bahan to cook! Kawan yang sepatutnya bawa bahan utama was absent. Buli-buli ah tidak hadir time amali. 0 markah!

By the way I still managed to do all the evaluation that I need for this class and next week I will repeat the same process (same orders and kepenatan?) with 1 more class. Hope they can do better.

Oh ya, I masak spagetthi for my berbuka last Tuesday. Okay, even the ingredients are not enough but I still called my masakan as Spagetthi Bolongnese. :)

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Dibalik titis air mata mu

Tidak pernah akan kau selami

Tangis dalam hati ku

Yang tidak pernah terhenti”


Jun, 2013.


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